Vancouver, the jewel of the nation, as it is called, is consistently ranked as one of the most livable cities in the world, blessed with the most temperate climate in Canada, an abundance of parks and beaches, safe streets, unforgettable natural surroundings, a trendy cosmopolitan air and friendly people. Vancouver as a city distinguishes itself by its natural beauty. One of the greenest in the world, Vancouverites maintain the cleanliness of their public areas just short of obsession.
Vancouver has become one of the fastest growing travel destinations for ESL learners and the preponderance of schools has been in direct response to the high demand for ESL student placements. In such a competitive market, it goes without saying that schools have had to be innovative and service oriented to attract an ever more discerning, value-conscious student market.
Vancouver is a diverse, international city that welcomes new-comer from all over the world. Canadians understand their identity in terms of an integrity and tolerance for others that are unique. Nowhere is this relaxed openness more evident that when roller-blading around Vancouver’s Stanley Park Seawall, strolling the False Creek or drinking coffee in a sidewalk café off English Bay. You will notice that cultural diversity the moment you step foot into the city.
International students quickly find themselves adapting to the West Coast lifestyle, and joining the easy flow of the Vancouver rhythm.
No city is more conductive to out-door activities, and here the opportunities are limitless. Joggers abound, you can see colorful sailboats all along the Bay, old and young alike practice mountain biking, some other do hiking, camping and skiing. People find their paradise here. A summer temperature of 23°C and a winter average of 7°C make Vancouver the favourite option to visit all year round.
Vancouver has three mountains that during the winter months you could practice skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing, snowshoeing or simply have a hot chocolate and enjoy the view of the city.
No matter where you are in Vancouver you will find great cafes, eclectic shops, and high-end stores. If you are looking for global brands, go to Robson Street or Main Street for vintage finds. Now if you are looking for culinary experiences and want to try our international cuisine, Gastown, Granville Street and Yeltown offer all this and more.