- Become familiar with, understand and follow the routines of the homestay. Your family will review with you set of house rules. Please ask questions so you understand the host expectations.
- Discuss any food needs or preferences with your host family
- Always tell homestay where you will be, when not at school and tell them when you will be home
- Always tell your home stay if you will not be home for diner, or if you will be arriving home late. Host families worry about students. Please be considerate!
- Always answer your phone when your host family tries to contact you. Canadians are offended if you ignore these practices
- Ask your homestay before inviting friends over and what the rules are in this regard
- Absolutely no use of drugs or alcohol (this is illegal for youth under 19 years old in British Columbia) and if you get intoxicated your insurance will not cover so your parents will end up paying about CAN $3,000.00 only for the visit to the Dr.
- Sexual activity is not permitted
- Clean your room and bathroom, after you use it. Help homestay parents to wash the dishes, clean up after yourself when you have prepared something for you to eat. Learn to wash your own laundry, change your bed sheets once a week and learn to prepare your own breakfast and lunch.