Estudiando en Canadá
Una vez en tu sala de clases tendrás que involucrarte activamente y trabajar mucho en praticar el idioma utilizando todas tus habilidades, asistir a todas las clases y completer tus tareas a tiempo. El trabajo de grupo es muy importante, no temas en compartir tus ideas y hablar en clases ya que asi aprenderás a desarrollar tus habilidades de pensamiento crítico.
Cursos de trabajo en grupo y pruebas
Las diferentes formas de evaluar tu trabajo te ayudarán a aprender una amplia variedad de habilidades. A algunos estudiantes les puede ir muy bien en una prueba escrita, pero esto no significa que estén preparados para que les vaya bien en el trabajo de grupo. Al practicar habilidades de disertaciones, trabajo en grupo y de investigación, académicamente estarás más afiatado y te ayudará a desrrollar tus habilidades de comunicación en inglés.
Course work and examinations
Different ways of evaluating your work will help you to learn a wider variety of skills. For example, some people can do very well on a written test, but are not well prepared to succeed in the workplace. By practising presentation skills, team work skills and research skills, you become academically stronger and better prepared for the workplace.
It is necessary to participate in all activities during your classes. You may be asked to participate in class discussions, group work or other activities. It is very important to participate outside of the classroom as well. The ISC will provide you with many opportunities to practice your English skills in many different settings.
Making friends
Try not to be shy! Remember that making friends is important to everyone in their first year of university. Smile as you see other students, say hello and call others by name. Be friendly, but be yourself and be polite. Saying, “please” and “thank you,” are important Canadian customs, and your personal friendships will improve if you express your gratitude and appreciation to those around you. Join in student activities and meetings, and bring a photo album from home to show new friends your home country and its customs.